
Our Process

  • Pick the right package for your needs
  • Pick the template (7 to choose from)
  • Make payment (bank transfer)
  • Send all required background information - (existing resume/cover letter, job advertisement links, position descriptions)
  • Let me work my magic and create a draft resume for you to review
  • Review and provide feedback
  • Final edits and adjustments made - Word and PDF version then sent to you
  • Get applying!

Our Package Options

Advice Only Pack - $79
  • Tips, tricks and hints to brighten up your current resume
Complete Me Pack - $169
  • Fully customised & professionally written resume and cover letter
  • Select from seven template options and I do the rest
The Works Pack - $199
  • This package is the "Complete Me Pack" PLUS LinkedIn edits and  suggestions

Our Package Options

Advice Only Pack $79

This package is for those that want a quick fix and makeover for their resume and cover letter.

You may need to apply for your dream job ASAP and your resume  is already in good shape.

This service includes me providing mark ups and comments on your current resume so you can go ahead and make the edits yourself.

I will suggest things to add, delete, enhance to make your resume ready to go.

Complete Me Pack $169

This package is for those that want a full makeover of their resume and cover letter.

I use parts of your existing resume and transfer to one of our graphically designed templates. You have seven options to choose from.

These have been specifically designed for my business and are not your average Word document.

The Works Pack $199

This package includes the Complete Me Pack, fully written and graphically designed resume and cover letter PLUS my suggestions on how to update and enhance your LinkedIn profile to attract more attention to potential employers.

7 Resume Template Options

Template 1

Template 2

Template 3

Template 4

Template 5

Template 6

Template 7

Resu-me has had a great hit rate when it comes to candidates securing some amazing career opportunities. Whilst I endeavour to make you shine your brightest via your resume, Resu-me holds no responsibility for career and job hunt outcomes.